8 Basic Techniques of Basketball

Jakarta - Basketball is the most popular sport in the world. With over 2 billion fans, the second-highest number of professional leagues worldwide, and the highest average salary at the top level ($5.2 million), basketball is the fastest growing sport in the world. Basketball is also the fastest growing sport on every scale from revenue to competition/league.

Interested in this one sport? Let's get acquainted with the basic techniques of basketball!

Basic Techniques of Basketball

Basketball is a group ball sport played by two teams of five members each and compete against each other to score points by putting the ball into the opponent's ring. What are the basic basketball techniques? The following are basic basketball techniques that you must know.

1. Tag Position

Although it looks easy and is often underestimated, in fact, the basic technique of holding a basketball cannot be arbitrary. Holding a basketball with both palms on the right and left of the ball and all fingers extended and attached to the center of the right and left sides of the ball is the correct technique for holding the ball.

2. Passing and Catching

Throwing and passing the ball is a basic technique in basketball. Can be interpreted by giving and receiving feedback to the team. When catching the ball, reach for the ball with your palms wide open. Then, you have to pull your hands back a little so that the basketball is in line with your body.
Now, for the basketball throwing technique, there are 5 ways that you can master it, namely:

1. Chest pass (Throws a basketball with both hands in the direction of the chest)

The chest pass begins with pulling the ball. Pull the ball to the chest to take the prefix. Then throw the ball straight forward by straightening both elbows. When throwing a basketball push with all your might.

2. Overhead pass (Throws a basketball with both hands above the head)

Both hands hold the ball above the head, both legs bent, and eyes focused on the target. The movement begins by pulling the ball behind the head and then throwing it with a straight elbow position assisted by the wrist so that the fingers point forward and down.

3. Bounce pass 

This basketball technique aims to avoid the enemy by breaking through the opponent's defense. This bounce pass movement is done by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, and body leaning slightly forward, both hands holding the ball in front of the chest and elbows folded. 

4. Baseball pass 

This basketball throwing technique is done like playing baseball. The purpose of the baseball pass technique is to provide a high pass that can pass the opponent.

5. Behind the back pass

This basketball throwing technique is a tricky move for beginners. This throwing technique is done by throwing through the back of the back. To master the behind the back pass technique, it takes diligent practice in order to master this movement properly and correctly.

3. Dribbling

Dribbling is a technique of dribbling a basketball by bouncing it to the floor while moving. There are two ways of dribbling in basketball, namely, low dribbling (below the knee) and high dribbling (higher than the knee).

Both have different purposes. Dribbling low aims to protect the ball from the opponent's attack, while dribbling high aims to attack the opponent's area.

A very important point in the technique of dribbling basketball is to maintain hand control of the ball so that the ball is not snatched by the opponent.

4. Pivot

Pivot itself is a rotating technique using one leg as a pivot. The purpose of the pivot is to protect the ball from being snatched by the opponent. Usually, the pivot is followed by doing 3 other moves, namely, dribbling, passing, and shooting.

5. Shooting

Shooting is a core movement in basketball because shooting movements are carried out to score points. Shooting is the movement of putting the ball into the enemy's basket. This movement can be done with one hand or with two hands depending on the situation.

6. Lay up

Lay-up is a series of movements to get the ball as close as possible to the opponent's ring by jumping and starting with two steps first. The lay-up movement is fairly difficult. You just need to practice well to master this one move.

7. Rebound

Rebound is a movement made to grab or take the ball that failed to enter the ring. This movement can be done by players from teammates, as well as from the opposing team.

Rebound movements can be divided into two types, namely offensive rebound and defensive rebound. An offensive rebound is re-shooting the ball that a teammate failed to put in. While a defensive rebound is a movement to grab the ball that the opposing team failed to enter.

8. Screen

The screen is done to free a teammate from the guard of the opposing team. This movement is carried out by closing the direction of movement of the opposing team's players and opening up space for the movement of teammates by giving way past the back of the player doing the screen.

A few discussions about the basic techniques of basketball. Hope it helps you to understand how to play basketball better.

Reference from  sportsrec.com

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